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「Antarctic Expedition Pack」:修訂間的差異

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於 2006年3月21日 (二) 22:08 的修訂


Publisher: Chaosium

Product Code: 2381

Publishing Year: 1999

Pages: N/A

Cover Price: $19.95

Author: Charles Engan and Janyce Engan

Artist: John T. Snyder

Setting(s): 1930s

Format(s): Softcover


1. 2-panel keeper's screen tailored for Antarctica

2. Embroidered full-colored Starkweather-Moore expedition patch: suitable for cap or jacket

3. 12 pages of double-sided newspaper clippings

4. 4 souvenir boarding passes for the SS Gabrielle

5. The long-lost conclusion to Edgar Allan Poe's "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket"

6. 2-color 16" x 20" keeper's map of Antarctica

7. Expedition postcard ready for mailing

8. Starkweather-Moore expedition window sticker

9. Official temporary tattoo of the Antarctic expedition

Comments / Trivia

A collection of useful supporting materials (handouts, novelty items) for Beyond the Mountains of Madness.


Spoilers - Keepers Eyes Only

Players should not read any further.

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